Australian Privacy Principles (APP) Policy

This Policy directly relates to the 13 APPs from Schedule 1 of the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012. To access the full Act, see the ComLaw website:

Kinds of Personal Information Collected and Held

Redcliffe Harness Racing and Sporting Club collects and holds personal information relating to basic contact and where applicable business contact details (including ABN) details of Club members, patrons, trainers, drivers and Club affiliates.

Collection and Storage of Personal Information

Redcliffe Harness Racing and Sporting Club collect information relating to contact details of Club members, patrons, trainers, drivers, Gaming and Liquor License requirements, and Club affiliates from the above through personal or day-to-day business contact. Information is stored on a secure server and is accessed only by Club administration staff and/or Committee.


Redcliffe Harness Racing and Sporting Club collect personal information for the purpose of informing Club members, patrons, trainers, drivers and Club affiliates for billing, track issues and sharing general Club information (eg newsletter, industry news, events, sales, special race meetings).

Accessing Personal Information Held by the Club

Any individual may access their personal information held Redcliffe Harness Racing and Sporting Club and where required seek the correction of such information Redcliffe Harness Racing and Sporting Club Administration Office, ph 07 3284 4550 or email,

Australian Privacy Principles Breach Complaints

Complaints about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles Redcliffe Harness Racing and Sporting Club in the first instance are to be directed Redcliffe Harness Racing and Sporting Club Administration Office, ph 07 3284 4550 or email,, alternatively, further information can be obtained from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, website, ph 1300 363 992 or email

Overseas Disclosure

Redcliffe Harness Racing and Sporting Club will not disclose any personal information to overseas recipients; group email addresses are sent as BCC to ensure anonymity. At present communications are sent to Australian and New Zealand residents only.

APP Policy Availability

Availability of APP privacy policy is available on our website at: or by contacting Redcliffe Harness Racing and Sporting Club Administration Office, ph 07 3284 4550 or email,

Initiated: 6 May 2014